Actualidad NTGAS

NTGAS drop in burners, simplicity and power

Yes, it is possible now for chefs to make their own selection of the kitchen elements he needs and have his own kitchen made to measure. Different kitchen elements can be distributed as wished either in drop-in version or welded.

You just need to choose amongst the NTGAS drop-in elements (burmers, cookers, wok burners, fryers, pasta cookers, bain-marie, dim sum, grills or fry tops), combine them with an oven or any other element and create your unique kitchen.

NTGAS drop-in elements are the ideal tool to reinforce work capacity of hotels, buffets, caterings,..., and are unique equipments for restaurants that offer showcooking. Drop-in elements can be installed on any kitchen’s work bench and provide the power that professionals require.

Drop-in modules can be easily installed by a professional installer. Now it is much easier to have one of the NTGAS drop-in equipments in your kitchen.

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